Dear Friends, These are very difficult times for all of us. The challenges for our families and friends in Israel are great, and for those of us who are here, in the USA, there are different challenges. Many people speak about feeling shocked and devastated at the response of the non-Jewish world, and how unsafe and hated, as Jews and… READ MORE>>
Finding Strength Together During These Very Difficult Times: Online Gatherings for Children of Holocaust Survivors and for Healthcare Professionals
In the aftermath of the horrendous atrocities that were committed by Hamas in Israel, as the War in Gaza is taking place and worries are mounting about what the future holds, getting together with others who share the same background is helpful. For that reason, we are offering (free) online gatherings for children of Holocaust survivors and another forum for… READ MORE>>
Recording Now Available of the Second Segment in the Series “Voices of the Second Generation in Writing”
The recording of the second segment of the series “Voices of the Second Generation in Writing” is now available at this link. This was an extraordinary meeting in which representatives from two writing groups of children of survivors shared their experiences. One group met for several years in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and the anthology of their personal stories and memories… READ MORE>>
Annual Meeting of the Trauma Work Group of the NGO on Mental Health in the United Nations
Presentation Date: 02/09/23
Location: Zoom (United Nations)
As the co-chair of the Trauma Group of the NGO on Mental Health in Consultative Relationship to the United Nations, I am happy to announce our upcoming annual meeting, which… READ MORE>>
NEW! Digital Toolkit to Educate Healthcare Providers About the Unique Challenges of Holocaust Survivors and Their Families
I am deeply invested in educating healthcare professionals about the need to treat Holocaust survivors, and survivors of other traumas, at end of life with special care. It is our responsibility, as a society and as healthcare professionals, to ensure that the victims of man’s inhumanity to man will be treated with the utmost sensitivity and empathy in the last… READ MORE>>