On Tuesday November 16, we had an opportunity to watch the beautiful Oscar-contending short film, “Ganef”. After the screening of the film, I moderated a discussion with its producer, Suri Ellerton, and the screen writer, Mark Rosenblatt, both grandchildren of Holocaust survivors. The program was hosted by the Museum of Jewish Heritage, A Living Memorial to the Holocaust. I am… READ MORE>>
Tag | Intergenerational transmission
Access to the Oscar-Contending Short Film “Ganef” and to the Panel Discussion of the Film
REMINDER: TOMORROW (Open to the Public): Screening of Short Film “GANEF” and a Panel Discussion with the Director and Actors of the Film
Presentation Date: 11/16/21
Location: Zoom
The Museum of Jewish Heritage, A Living Memorial to the Holocaust will be hosting a screening and discussion of the 14-minute long movie “Ganef”, which qualified for the Oscars. The… READ MORE>>
Screening of Short Film “GANEF” and a Panel Discussion with the Director and Actors of the Film
Presentation Date: 11/16/21
Location: Zoom
The Museum of Jewish Heritage, A Living Memorial to the Holocaust will be hosting a screening and discussion of the 14-minute long movie “Ganef”, which qualified for the Oscars. The… READ MORE>>
Reminder: Tomorrow 2:15 pm EDT: My Upcoming Presentation: “The Reactions of Children of Holocaust Survivors during the Coronavirus Pandemic”
Presentation Date: 10/18/21
Location: Zoom
On October 18 beginning at 2:15 pm EDT, I will be making a presentation as part of the conference offered by Self Help and the JFNA: “Resilience, Adaptation, and Innovation… READ MORE>>
My Upcoming Presentation: “The Reactions of Children of Holocaust Survivors during the Coronavirus Pandemic”
Presentation Date: 10/18/21
Location: Zoom
On October 18 beginning at 2:15 pm EDT, I will be making a presentation as part of the conference offered by Self Help and the JFNA: “Resilience, Adaptation, and Innovation… READ MORE>>