Category | General

Thoughts on “Voices of the Descendants”

The third and final segment of our three-part program, “The Voices of Descendants of Holocaust Survivors in Writing” took place yesterday. I had the pleasure of conducting a conversation with Emanuel Rosen, the grandson of Dr. Hugo Mendel and his wife Lucie, and Noah Lederman, the grandson of Hadasa and Leon Lederman. Each man went on a long and arduous… READ MORE>>

Recording Now Available of the Second Segment in the Series “Voices of the Second Generation in Writing”

The recording of the second segment of the series “Voices of the Second Generation in Writing” is now available at this link. This was an extraordinary meeting in which representatives from two writing groups of children of survivors shared their experiences. One group met for several years in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and the anthology of their personal stories and memories… READ MORE>>

My Art on the Cover of the Trauma News Letter

I am a member of Division 56 in the American Psychological Association, which is the Trauma Division, focused on research and clinical treatment of trauma and related issues. The current issue of the Trauma News Letter of Division 56 has my art work on its front cover! You can access the issue by clicking on the image below. My interest… READ MORE>>

Three Generations Speak: A Series of Podcast Interviews with Families of Holocaust Survivors

Chag Sukkot Same’ach to those who celebrate it! I would like to share with you the project created by the students of a colleague of mine, Prof. Hadas Wiseman from Haifa University. I had the pleasure of consulting with the students, who created a series of podcasts that address intergenerational transmission and the relationships in three generations of Holocaust families…. READ MORE>>

A Short News Program About Intergenerational Transmission in Holocaust Families, Including an Interview with Me

Dear friends, After a break during the summer, I return to post on my blog. I hope you had a good summer, and to those of you who observe the Jewish High Holidays, I hope you had a good Rosh Hashana and a meaningful Yom Kippur. May this new year bring peace and safety around our troubled globe. I would… READ MORE>>

Videorecording Available of Recent Yom Hashoah Program in Hebrew for 2G and 3G Across the Globe

The challenges of the recent two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic have had a silver lining in the sense that we discovered a greater comfort in using online ways to connect with each other. The virtual technology allows us to connect with groups across the globe, who have something in common. This past Yom Ha’Shoa, I had the honor… READ MORE>>

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