A very recent paper by my colleague Amit Shrira and his colleagues from Bar Ilan university, published in the September issue of the prestigious journal “Trauma Psychology: Theory, Research, Practice, Policy” describes the results of interviews with 30 older visual artists, ranging in age between 72-94, who are all child survivors of the Holocaust. The interviews aimed to understand… READ MORE>>
Tag | Art and Trauma
A Recent Paper About the Transcendent Power of Human Creativity for Child Survivors
“The Leisure Seeker” – Movies about old age. Finally.
Finally, Old Age, Dementia, Terminal Illness and Love at the Autumn of life are being portrayed in the movies. Movies are important agents of social change influencing public perceptions. Seeing our movie stars portray the trials and tribulations, but also love, romance, adventure and camaraderie, and yes, even sex in the late years of life is a relatively new and… READ MORE>>
Presentation for the Speakers Bureau at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in NYC on Oct. 19
For several years now I have had the pleasure and the honor of meeting annually with the people who volunteer their time and energy to speak to students in schools, as well as to other audiences in the museum and in the community, as part of the programs organized by the speakers’ bureau of the Museum of Jewish Heritage. This… READ MORE>>