Tag | resilience

REMINDER: TOMORROW (Open to the Public): Upcoming Lecture at the MJHS Conference on “The Liberator and the Liberated: 75 Years Post WW II”

Presentation Date: 11/10/21
Location: Zoom

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On Wednesday November 10, I will present a lecture at the annual MJHS Conference, the topic of which this year is “The Liberator and the Liberated: 75 Years Post WW… READ MORE>>

Upcoming Lecture at the MJHS Conference on “The Liberator and the Liberated: 75 Years Post WW II”

Presentation Date: 11/10/21
Location: Zoom

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On Wednesday November 10, I will present a lecture at the annual MJHS Conference, the topic of which this year is “The Liberator and the Liberated: 75 Years Post WW… READ MORE>>

Reminder: Tomorrow 2:15 pm EDT: My Upcoming Presentation: “The Reactions of Children of Holocaust Survivors during the Coronavirus Pandemic”

Presentation Date: 10/18/21
Location: Zoom

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On October 18 beginning at 2:15 pm EDT, I will be making a presentation as part of the conference offered by Self Help and the JFNA: “Resilience, Adaptation, and Innovation… READ MORE>>

My Upcoming Presentation: “The Reactions of Children of Holocaust Survivors during the Coronavirus Pandemic”

Presentation Date: 10/18/21
Location: Zoom

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On October 18 beginning at 2:15 pm EDT, I will be making a presentation as part of the conference offered by Self Help and the JFNA: “Resilience, Adaptation, and Innovation… READ MORE>>

Online Presentation for the NYC Elder Abuse Center at Weill/Cornell on Friday September 17

Presentation Date: 09/17/21
Location: Zoom

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Trauma-informed perspective recognizes that traumatic events and traumatic circumstances exist also in the lives of healthcare providers, and that recognizing it and addressing it is critical for the provision of… READ MORE>>

Book About Child Survivors in the Early Post-War Years is Now Available

Yesterday I received by mail the freshly printed copies of the book “Starting Anew: The Rehabilitation of Child Survivors of the Holocaust in the Early Postwar Years” published by Yad Vashem. As I had explained in a previous blog post, my chapter in the book, written together with my colleague Danny Brom,  is entitled “Adaptation to Trauma, Silence, and Social Support”,… READ MORE>>

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