Category | Reminder

A (Repeated) Request: Please Participate in a Study about 3G and Their Peers

October 7, and the events that spread around campuses and cities in North America, changed the world for Jews and, in particular, the world that young Jewish people thought they belonged to. This study aims to examine the impact of the events of the past year on North American 3Gs and their Jewish non-Holocaust related peers. I would like to… READ MORE>>

REMINDER: Study: How Do Young Jewish People in the USA and Canada Feel Since October 7?

Hello all, I am sending here a reminder of the previous call for grandchildren of Holocaust survivors and their non-Holocaust related Jewish peers to participate in a research study. We are still looking for more participants to fill out the survey described below in my blog entry from June 23. Thanks very much! Irit   Dear Friends, I am reaching… READ MORE>>

One Last Reminder: Your Help Requested for Our Research Study About the Responses of 2G’s and Non-Holocaust to Recent Events

Dear Friends, I want to thank the many of you who have generously given your time and completed the online questionnaire that I will be using in a study of the responses of 2G’s and American Jewish comparison peers to the Hamas attack on October 7 and the events that have followed it. (The study was announced in my previous… READ MORE>>

Reminder: Your Help Requested for Our Research Study About the Responses of 2G’s and Non-Holocaust to Recent Events

Dear Friends, I want to thank the many of you who have generously given your time and completed the online questionnaire that I will be using in a study of the responses of 2G’s and American Jewish comparison peers to the Hamas attack on October 7 and the events that have followed it. (The study was announced in my previous… READ MORE>>

REMINDER: My Upcoming (February 5-6, 2024) In-Person Workshops in Florida

Presentation Date: 02/05/24
Location: Florida

More info

Are you a child of Holocaust Survivors? Are you a professional working with families of Holocaust survivors? Join me in Florida in February 2024! MorseLife and Next Generations will host… READ MORE>>

REMINDER: Second Session of Three Part Series for Children of Holocaust Survivors This Wednesday (Dec. 20)

Hello all, A reminder that the second session of my three-part series of presentations for children of Holocaust Survivors will take place this week, on Wednesday December 20.  More information can be found from my original bloc past at this link, and which I also copy below. Irit   Dear Friends, Previous research has shown that children of Holocaust survivors… READ MORE>>

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