Earlier today, I had the honor to present the last lecture in the series of presentations for the second generation which I have been doing since August 2020, together with my friend and colleague Dr. Jenni Frumer. The topic of our previous (second-to-last) meeting, which took place on Sun. Feb. 14, focused on intimacy and on specific characteristics of the… READ MORE>>
Tag | Intimacy
The Pandemic: Emphasizing the Need and the Opportunity to Revitalize Relationships
The pandemic has made many couples spend much more time together in the same space than ever before. The impact of the pandemic on couples has become an important issue for psychologists and couple therapists, and has received quite a bit of attention in the media. (As just two recent examples of media coverage, click on the following links: Sex gets… READ MORE>>
Intimacy as Spiritual Practice
As Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement is upon us, we stop to take stock of our spiritual and interpersonal relationships. We acknowledge where we fell short of our ethical, emotional and relational ideals and standards, and we re-commit to strive to do better, to be our better self, to related more genuinely and more compassionately to others whose… READ MORE>>
REMINDER: TODAY: I Will Be Presenting A Workshop Entitled “Addressing Intimacy and Sexuality in Couple Therapy”, June 15/2017 in Brooklyn
On June 15, I will presenting a full-day workshop entitled “Addressing Intimacy and Sexuality in Couple Therapy: Expanding our Approaches for Reconnecting & Revitalizing Relationships“ The workshop is sponsored by the OHEL Institute for Training, and will be held at the Kingsway Jewish Center in Brooklyn, NY. This advanced full-day workshop for mental health professionals will provide clinicians with valuable… READ MORE>>
I Will Be Presenting A Workshop Entitled “Addressing Intimacy and Sexuality in Couple Therapy”, June 15/2017 in Brooklyn
On June 15, I will presenting a full-day workshop entitled “Addressing Intimacy and Sexuality in Couple Therapy: Expanding our Approaches for Reconnecting & Revitalizing Relationships“ The workshop is sponsored by the OHEL Institute for Training, and will be held at the Kingsway Jewish Center in Brooklyn, NY. This advanced full-day workshop for mental health professionals will provide clinicians with valuable… READ MORE>>