Tag | Holocaust

Presentation on Sunday October 30/16 at Museum of the City of NY

On Sunday October 30, I will be giving a talk entitled : “Relationships in the Lives of Children of Holocaust Survivors- Reverberations of the Legacy of the Holocaust”, starting at noon at the Museum of the City of New York, 1220 Fifth Avenue (at 103rd St.). The talk will be held at the membership meeting of the Fraternal Order of… READ MORE>>

Presentation on “Neuroplasticity and Memory” to the Speaker’s Bureau of the Museum of Jewish Heritage – Living Memorial to the Holocaust, Sept. 26/2016

On Monday September 26, I will give a presentation entitled “Neuroplasticity and Memory” to the Speaker’s Bureau of the Museum of Jewish Heritage – Living Memorial to the Holocaust (http://www.mjhnyc.org/) in Manhattan. The ability to navigate well the challenges and crises of life is the core of resilience and well-being. Therapy aims to help individuals expand their coping skills and… READ MORE>>

Workshop on Trauma-Informed Care of Aging Holocaust Survivors, Sept. 22/2016

On Thursday September 22, I will be giving a half-day workshop starting at 9:15am at the Jewish Family Service in Elizabeth, NJ. This workshop is an in-service for the staff of the JFS and invited guests. The workshop will focus on trauma-informed care of elderly trauma survivors as a particularly vulnerable patient population facing higher risk of dehumanization and infrahumanization… READ MORE>>

Thoughts from the Fourth Meeting of the Discussion Group for Children of Holocaust Survivors in Boro Park, Tues. 9/13/16.

Someone recently told me of a friend, a son of Holocaust survivors, who admitted that when he decided to marry his wife, the thought crossed his mind that, should they ever have to flee with children, she is the kind of woman who would be able to cope and handle the stress of it. The man was acknowledging what feels… READ MORE>>

Fourth meeting of the Discussion Group for Children of Holocaust Survivors on Tues. Sept. 13

On Tues. Sept. 13, I will lead the next meeting of the Discussion Group for Children of Holocaust Survivors at the Y in Boro Park. This meeting, which will take place at 7:00pm Tuesday, September 13, will be the fourth in the series of monthly meetings. Irit Felsen

Adult Siblings in Holocaust Survivors’ Families

This past week we held at the Boro Park Y in Brooklyn the third meeting of the Discussion Group for Children of Holocaust Survivors, and the topic was the relationships between siblings in Holocaust families. Most of the sixty participants who attended this week reported, by show of hands, having grown up with at least one sibling. Indeed, most people… READ MORE>>

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