Tag | Intergenerational transmission

Screening of Short Film “GANEF” and a Panel Discussion with the Director and Actors of the Film

Presentation Date: 11/16/21
Location: Zoom

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The Museum of Jewish Heritage, A Living Memorial to the Holocaust will be hosting a screening and discussion of the 14-minute long movie “Ganef”, which qualified for the Oscars. The… READ MORE>>

My eBook “Manual for Facilitators of Groups for Children of Holocaust Survivors” is Now Available Also Online

For clinicians who wish to facilitate groups for adult children of Holocaust survivors or children of other trauma survivors, we have created a manual on the basis of a series of ten meetings that I facilitated in 2016-2017. The manual can be downloaded from this link. The content of the meetings was created by me, and edited with funding from… READ MORE>>

Reminder: Tomorrow 2:15 pm EDT: My Upcoming Presentation: “The Reactions of Children of Holocaust Survivors during the Coronavirus Pandemic”

Presentation Date: 10/18/21
Location: Zoom

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On October 18 beginning at 2:15 pm EDT, I will be making a presentation as part of the conference offered by Self Help and the JFNA: “Resilience, Adaptation, and Innovation… READ MORE>>

My Upcoming Presentation: “The Reactions of Children of Holocaust Survivors during the Coronavirus Pandemic”

Presentation Date: 10/18/21
Location: Zoom

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On October 18 beginning at 2:15 pm EDT, I will be making a presentation as part of the conference offered by Self Help and the JFNA: “Resilience, Adaptation, and Innovation… READ MORE>>

Reminder: Tomorrow 9 am EDT: Online Presentation at Conference in England for Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants

On Sunday, October 3rd, I will be presenting an online talk (via Zoom) about the long-term effects of intergenerational transmission in descendants of Holocaust survivors. This presentation is part of a two-day conference organized by the Association of Jewish Refugees (AJR),  the national charity supporting Holocaust refugees and survivors living in Great Britain. This year AJR celebrates their 80th anniversary… READ MORE>>

Online Presentation at Conference in England for Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants

Presentation Date: 10/03/21
Location: Zoom (England)

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On Sunday, October 3rd, I will be presenting an online talk (via Zoom) about the long-term effects of intergenerational transmission in descendants of Holocaust survivors. This presentation is part of… READ MORE>>

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