Tag | Holocaust

Thoughts on “Voices of the Descendants”

The third and final segment of our three-part program, “The Voices of Descendants of Holocaust Survivors in Writing” took place yesterday. I had the pleasure of conducting a conversation with Emanuel Rosen, the grandson of Dr. Hugo Mendel and his wife Lucie, and Noah Lederman, the grandson of Hadasa and Leon Lederman. Each man went on a long and arduous… READ MORE>>

The Voices of Descendants: The Continued Impact of the Holocaust

Presentation Date: 05/02/23
Location: Zoom

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The third meeting in our three-part program about the voices of the second and third generation in writing will take place via Zoom on Tuesday May 2/2023 at 2:30 pm… READ MORE>>

Reminder: Today at 1:00 pm EST, like the last Sunday of each month, child survivors of the Holocaust from across the globe meet

Presentation Date: 03/26/23
Location: Zoom

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Dr. Jenni Frumer and I lead these regular monthly gatherings, which are hosted by MorseLife Health System, in partnership with the Hidden Child Foundation. The gatherings are offered at no… READ MORE>>

Recording Now Available of the Second Segment in the Series “Voices of the Second Generation in Writing”

The recording of the second segment of the series “Voices of the Second Generation in Writing” is now available at this link. This was an extraordinary meeting in which representatives from two writing groups of children of survivors shared their experiences. One group met for several years in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and the anthology of their personal stories and memories… READ MORE>>

The Voices of the Second Generation: Writing by the Children of Survivors (TOMORROW!)

Tomorrow, Tuesday February 28, at 1:30 pm EST, we will meet to discuss writings by second generation authors. This is the second segment in this series, and will have guests from two writing groups that met for several years and published each an anthology of writing by the members of the group. One group met at the Van Leer Institute… READ MORE>>

My Presentation at the Upcoming In-Person Gathering in St. Louis of Child Survivors and Descendants

Presentation Date: 11/05/22
Location: St. Louis

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The 32nd Annual World Federation of Jewish Child Holocaust Survivors and Descendants (WFJCSH&D) Conference, in conjunction with Kindertransport Association and Generations of the Shoa International, will take place at the… READ MORE>>

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