Tag | Holocaust

Fourth meeting of the Discussion Group for Children of Holocaust Survivors on Tues. Sept. 13

On Tues. Sept. 13, I will lead the next meeting of the Discussion Group for Children of Holocaust Survivors at the Y in Boro Park. This meeting, which will take place at 7:00pm Tuesday, September 13, will be the fourth in the series of monthly meetings. Irit Felsen

Adult Siblings in Holocaust Survivors’ Families

This past week we held at the Boro Park Y in Brooklyn the third meeting of the Discussion Group for Children of Holocaust Survivors, and the topic was the relationships between siblings in Holocaust families. Most of the sixty participants who attended this week reported, by show of hands, having grown up with at least one sibling. Indeed, most people… READ MORE>>

Third meeting of the Discussion Group for Children of Holocaust Survivors this week: Siblings Relationships

This coming Tuesday I will lead the third meeting of the Discussion Group for Children of Holocaust Survivors at the Y in Boro Park. This meeting, which will take place at 7:00pm this coming Tuesday, July 26, will be the third in series of monthly meetings. The topic this week will focus on Sibling Relationships in families of Holocaust Survivors…. READ MORE>>

Paper published: Encounters with Chronic Psychiatric Holocaust Survivors: Trauma, Psychosis and Functionality

Last week a paper I wrote, entitled “Encounters with Chronic Psychiatric Holocaust Survivors: Trauma, Psychosis and Functionality” appeared in issue 6 of the online journal “Kavod”. The paper can be found at http://kavod.claimscon.org/2016/01/encounters-with-chronic-psychiatric-holocaust-survivors-trauma-psychosis-and-functionality/. The paper describes a research project conducted by me and Dori Laub with chronically hospitalized psychiatric Holocaust survivors. “Kavod: Honoring Aging Survivors” is a professional Journal for… READ MORE>>

Event in support of the Survivor Initiative at the Museum of Tolerance and Gratitude, NY

Last night I was at the Museum of Tolerance and Gratitude in Manhattan (http://www.museumoftolerancenewyork.com, and part of the Simon Wiesenthal Center), as part of the action-oriented Survivor Initiative (http://www.survivorinitiative.org/), an organization that raises funds to support service agencies that serve Holocaust survivors in NYC who are living under the poverty line. It was wonderful to see so many young people… READ MORE>>

United Nations Program for International Day of Commemoration in Memory of Victims Of The Holocaust: “The Holocaust And Human Dignity”

Today I attended the 2016 International Day of Commemoration in Memory of Victims Of The Holocaust at the United Nations headquarters in NY, which was profoundly moving. (More information is available at http://www.un.org/en/holocaustremembrance/2016/calendar2016.html.) The messages delivered by two survivors of the Holocaust, Marta Wise and Haim Roet, and a survivor of the Sinto who were also exterminated by the Nazis… READ MORE>>

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