On November 6th and 7th I will be presenting a workshop at the Jewish Family and Children Services in Atlanta, GA. The training will take place at the JF & CS offices on 4549 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338.
The first day’s program will include specific separate training sessions for clinical staff, agency-wide non-clinical staff, and the Holocaust Survivor Services Team. Each of these trainings will address issues relevant to the understanding of trauma, its long-term impact on survivors, its interactions with processes that are associated with growing old, the effects of parental trauma on spouses and on the adult children of survivors, and the impact on the staff working with trauma survivor clients and their family members.
The clinical trauma training will address the generational impact of multiple types of traumatic experiences in the family, and the long-term effects of distal trauma on the survivors and their family members.
The agency-wide non-clinical training session will be geared towards all agency staff, including marketing department, front office receptionists, transportation drivers, and all others. This training will educate participants on trauma, its effects on survivors, and how to appropriately and sensitively interact with trauma survivors in the course of everyday interactions with them. This training will teach staff how to best meet the unique needs of trauma survivors, whether these survivors are our clients, colleagues, family members, or others we interact with on a daily basis. Many people have survived some sort of trauma in their lives and have been impacted by it to varying degrees, and this training will help normalize this, explain how to understand our reactions to our own traumatic experiences and to the experiences of others, and offer ways in which to best interact with trauma survivors.
In the evening, there will be a presentation and a discussion with the “Second Generation”, children of Holocaust survivors, which will open to the community.
The second day will include a “Train the Trainer” session which will teach participants to train other staff and workers at their agencies who work with Holocaust survivors to know about Holocaust survivors’ unique needs and provide appropriate care. The session will provide a brief overview of Holocaust survivor trauma and ways in which to best interact with survivors given this trauma. By the end of the session, participants will be able to relay this information to their staff members in order to maximize best practices and person-centered, trauma-informed care towards survivors. This session will be geared towards people who have managerial roles at home-care agencies so that they can train their staff and aides who work with survivors.
More information can be found from this link.
Irit Felsen
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