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A (Repeated) Request: Please Participate in a Study about 3G and Their Peers

October 7, and the events that spread around campuses and cities in North America, changed the world for Jews and, in particular, the world that young Jewish people thought they belonged to. This study aims to examine the impact of the events of the past year on North American 3Gs and their Jewish non-Holocaust related peers. I would like to say, first of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH to 3G and their peers who gave us their time and filled out our research questionnaire! We have over 130 participants so far, but must recruit more. Please help us make this study meaningful by participating and getting others to participate!

I had previously written on June 23 on my blog about this study; you can find that previous announcement by clicking this link. That post also includes the link to the study questionnaire, which can also be accessed directly by clicking here. If you click to open the link, you will also find a letter to potential participants stating the goals of the study.

I will be deeply grateful to see an increase in the number of participants who fill out our questionnaire. It takes about a half an hour, which is definitely quite a commitment, but we need hard, quantified empirical data. We need it, for example, in order to show that the recent events have been terribly upsetting for Jewish students and faculty. Believe it or not, there is a massive denial of the seriousness of antisemitism on campuses and elsewhere, and some of us are trying to fight such denial and minimization, and advocate for changes in rules and regulations on university campuses and in our professional organizations.  However, we need empirical “proof”. This is just one example why this research matters.

Thank you so much for your time!

            Irit Felsen

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