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Study: How Do Young Jewish People in the USA and Canada Feel Since October 7?

Dear Friends,

I am reaching out to you again in the hope that you will be willing to assist in a study that looks at the responses of the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors and their non-Holocaust related Jewish peers to the October 7 Hamas attack and the events that ensued since. It is a particularly important to understand the impact of these events on the young generation of Jewish people (many of whom are parents to the next generation), as they are encountering a very different environment in the USA and Canada than the one before October 7.

This study is conducted in collaboration with my esteemed colleague Prof. Amit Shrira from Bar-Ilan University, whose contribution to the empirical research literature about Holocaust descendants is invaluable.

The link to the questionnaire can be found here.

We thank you profoundly for your time and input to the study, and hope you can also disseminate the request to all your contacts:


Irit Felsen, PhD


  1. Barbara Steinmetz says

    Bina Newman is going to Europe at the end of June for 6 weeks and then, at the end of August to Israel for a year. If you’re still in Israel perhaps you can meet up. meanwhile. I sent your information to the Newman family. Bina has an articulate younger sister who may also want to be a participant and fill out your questionaire. I sent all the information, and hopefully they will be responsive.

  2. Margaret Benedict says

    I responded to you questionnaire back when you initally put it out. I’m forwarding your email to others asking them to participate and pass it along. Hoping you get some more responses. Thank you for what you do and take care.

    • Irit Felsen, Ph.D. says

      Thank you so much for your time and dedication to helping us gather this important information.
      Please note, the most recent study is different from the one I posted a couple of months ago. The most recent one addresses the experiences of grandchildren of survivors, not our 2G experiences. So if you can disseminate it to 3G participants and their non-Holocaust related peers, that would be so appreciated!
      Thank you again for your valuable participation and for your email.

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