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REMINDER: Seventh Meeting of the Discussion Group for Children of Holocaust Survivors, Tues. Feb. 7/2017

On Tuesday, February 7, I will lead the next meeting of the Discussion Group for Children of Holocaust Survivors at the Boro Park Y. This meeting, which will begin at 7:00 pm, will be the seventh in the series of monthly meetings.


The February meeting will discuss “Conflict As An Opportunity for Growth” in conscious relationships. When there is conflict, each partner is trying to get the other to hear their hurts and their unfulfilled needs. This call is not heard since it is usually expressed as criticism, angrily, or by acting in ways that hurt the other. However, these times are also opportunities for each partner to grow into their full potential, to emerge out of our automatic, habitual adaptations and expand our relational repertoire. When each partner “stretches” to meet the other’s needs, each, in turn, can get their needs better met.

This meeting will introduce specific strategies/techniques for improving our awareness to our own hurts/needs/ adaptations, so we can more intentionally focus on communicating them and changing unproductive patterns. We will focus on particular skills that slow down reactivity, and improve listening and communication.

                              Irit Felsen

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