I am afraid registration is full and had to be cut off the today’s meeting. I will post advance notice of the future meetings once they are scheduled.
As Yom Ha’Shoa approaches, it is more urgent than ever to get together with others with whom we can share our deep and painful legacy. I am grateful to be able to offer an ongoing forum that will continue the gatherings of child survivors which began with the recent series of three meetings (see the previous blog post) organized by the Museum of Jewish Heritage. Together with my friend and colleague Dr. Jenni Frumer, we will be facilitating a monthly virtual forum for child survivor/hidden children to gather via zoom to listen, share their experiences and connect with each other.
These regular monthly gatherings are sponsored and hosted by MorseLife Health System in partnership with the Hidden Child Foundation. The gatherings are offered at no cost, and are specifically and uniquely for child survivors. As previously announced, the first meeting will be TOMORROW (Sunday April 24) from 1:00 – 2:30 pm EDT. Child survivors who wish to participate in tomorrow’s meeting should register using this link.
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