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Online Presentation for the NYC Elder Abuse Center at Weill/Cornell on Friday September 17

Presentation Date: 09/17/21
Location: Zoom

More info

Trauma-informed perspective recognizes that traumatic events and traumatic circumstances exist also in the lives of healthcare providers, and that recognizing it and addressing it is critical for the provision of optimal care to our patients and clients. On Friday September 17 at 10:30am-11:30am EDT, I will be presenting a talk about “COVID-19, Trauma, and Building Resilience” to staff at the NYC Elder Abuse Center/Weill Cornell Medicine staff, including medical professionals, social workers, group facilitators, and others.

The New York City Elder Abuse Center (NYCEAC) a project of the Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine, is a leader in developing innovative and effective responses to elder abuse, neglect and exploitation. NYCEAC provides a streamlined and rapid response to elder abuse cases in Manhattan and Brooklyn through its multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) and case consultations (to read more, see the information provided at this link).

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted all us, both personally and in terms of the pressures we face in our professional work. Those working in the field of elder abuse have had to navigate through a particularly difficult time, as rates of interpersonal violence within the home and among family members have risen dramatically, and as the pandemic limited many of the response options that existed prior to it. This presentation will offer some tools for professionals for dealing with stress and building resilience.


  1. Sandy Kessler says

    How do I register?

    • Irit Felsen, Ph.D. says

      I am afraid this presentation is only for the staff of The NYC Elder Abuse Center. However, I will continue to post upcoming presentations on my blog, most of which are open to the public.


  2. Carol Laibson says

    I would love to hear your presentation.
    How do I sign up for access to the link?

    • Irit Felsen, Ph.D. says

      I am afraid this presentation is only for the staff of The NYC Elder Abuse Center. However, I will continue to post upcoming presentations on my blog, most of which are open to the public.


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