On May 19, I will be giving an online Webinar for descendants of Holocaust survivors, organized by the Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre in Toronto, Canada. This online webinar will include a presentation by me and an opportunity for interactive Q&A, surrounding the current Covid-19 pandemic and the experiences of descendants of the Holocaust in response to it.
As we know from the large body of empirical studies that examined many developmental stages and transitions in the life of the second generation, and from the more recently accumulating studies of the third generation in Holocaust families, our legacy has added unique layers to the way we subjectively navigate every one of these important phases in life. We view and respond to many issues also from the perspective of knowledge of the catastrophe that was possible, that happened, and all that it showed about the perils of prejudice and discrimination, and the fragility of civilized behavior under certain conditions. It is also important to remember that descendants of Holocaust survivors have a different perspective that offers a framework of resilience and hope, which we bring to bear on personal and collective traumatic situations. Covid-19 is a completely new type of disaster, which brought about a novel kind of global danger, and, as protective measures, the hitherto unknown phenomena of social distancing have been mobilized, creating a host of new realities.
This presentation will address the various ways in which the legacy of the Holocaust might influence the responses of descendants of survivors to the Covid-19 crisis. The program is free and open to descendants of Holocaust survivors (2G) and their partners. Registration is required. More information, including how to register, can be found by clicking on the image below.
Irit Felsen
Hello Irit, Excited to hear you talk on the 19th. Too bad Liberation75 was cancelled in Toronto. I will post this on my “Toronto Area daughters of survivors” Facebook site. Saw you in Boca last Feb/Mar and loved every minute of your talk. Hope you had a happy Mother’s Day.
Thank you so much. It would be great if you could post it on your Facebook page. I am also very disappointed that our in-person gathering had to be cancelled, but at least we can have the online discussion.
I hope you are well. Yours warmly,
Thank you for this opportunity. However, the time of the webinar is not good for those of us who live in Israel (and elsewhere across the Atlantic). Will there be a recording of it?
Todah rabah,
Hi Hannah,
The video is now available, and I have posted the link to it on my blog.
All the best,