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Videotape of My Presentation: Transmission of Effects Related to the Holocaust Through Three Generations

My presentation at the Museum of Jewish Heritage Speakers Bureau Gathering on November 25, 2019 was videotaped. The talk, entitled “Transmission of Effects Related to the Holocaust Through Three Generations“,  was presented to the survivors who so generously and valiantly give their time and share their painful lived experience of the Holocaust with audiences in the Museum and in other educational settings. It is my great honor to have come to have such a close and personal relationship with this group of remarkable people.

The videotape is now available online on my Youtube channel or directly from this link. The video is also available from the website of the Museum of Jewish Heritage at this link.

                                    Irit Felsen


P.S.  During the presentation, I made reference to a story and read out loud a couple of quotations. Since they were shown on the slides that the participants present could see, I did not read out loud the names of the authors. I therefore am including an addendum with the names of the author, researchers and poet quoted in the video:

  1. The story mentioned, by Thane rosenbaum, 1999, is “Second Hand Smoke”.
  2. The poem capturing the ‘double wall of silence’ between the second generation and their survivor parents is “Silent Conversations” by Janice Friebaum.
  3. The quote from researchers who studied intergenerational transmission in families of survivors of the Khmer Rouge is: “Parents who continue to be psychologically affected by past trauma, such as trauma stemming from genocide, may communicate—even if indirectly—their emotional vulnerability to their children and thereby instill inordinate concern in the children for the parents’ welfare.” (Field Muong, Sochanvimean, 2013)

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