As I announced previously, over the two days of Thursday December 3 – Friday December 4, 2020, I had the honor of presenting a series of lectures related to the general theme of “Impact of Trauma from Generation to Generation“, in an online event sponsored by the Jewish Family Service of St. Paul, Minnesota. Due to the ongoing pandemic, all meetings were held via Zoom. Registration was open to the public, and professionals working with Holocaust survivors, their family members, and with other groups who have survived traumatic events, including political persecution, migration, immigration and others were also warmly invited to participate. More information about the event can be found by clicking on the image below.
I am happy to report that the videorecordings of my presentations for the St. Paul, MN event are now available. You can find them by going to my youtube channel, where you will find also recordings of a selection of my previous presentations, or directly by clicking on the following links:
Lecture 1 – Through the Lens of the Holocaust: Trauma and Intergenerational Trauma
Lecture 2 – Historical and Intergenerational Trauma
Lecture 3 – Family Dynamics and Difficult Issues in Treating Holocaust Survivor Families
Irit Felsen
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