Irit Felsen is participating in a workshop at the United Nations entitled “Integrating Physical and Mental Health to Promote Well-Being”, Oct. 2/2014. The workshop is organized by the United Nations’ NGO Committee on Mental Health, of which Irit Felsen is a member. A description of the workshop is as follows:
The World Health Organization (WHO) projects that depression will be the number one global burden of disease by 2030, surpassing heart disease and cancer. This event will address this growing epidemic and implementing strategies to effectively combat this looming health crisis as well as the trauma and emotional disorders arising from violence, war, and conflict that not only threaten global well-being, but the economies of all nations. Successful advocacy efforts to integrate mental health into the global health agenda, such as the WHO Global Mental Health Action Plan, The NCD Action Plan, and moving forward to the Post 2015 Development Agenda will be discussed. The program will also examine the relationship between mental health and chronic illness including examples for children and cancer, the protection of health in conflict, and the development of a screening tool to identify victims of gender based violence.
The coordinates of the meeting are the following:
Thursday, October 2, 2014, 2:00-4:00 PM
U.N. Church Center
777 United Nations Plaza, New York City, NY
44th Street and First Ave.
2nd Floor Conference Room
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