Last Sunday, I gave a lecture about the expression of Memory in Art related to the Holocaust at the opening of the exhibit “Generations” at the JCC in Whippany, NJ.
The artists who present their work in this exhibit represent individuals at different distances from the epicenter of the cataclysmic catastrophic events of the Holocaust. Milton Ohring and Hanna Keselman are child survivors of the Holocaust, Lev-Gal Wertman is “second generation”, the child of a survivor, and Joanie Schwarz grew up in a family that lost many relatives in the concentration camps. Memory comes back and is experienced in images and sensations and therefore lends itself particularly well as a subject for artistic expression. The works exhibited by this artistically diverse group reflect a wide range of themes associated with the individual artists’ experiences relating to the Holocaust. In my presentation, I discussed these themes. You can find a pdf copy of slides that go along with my lecture at this link .
Shana Tova and best wished for the start of a New Year!
Irit Felsen
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