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Amplifying Resilience: An Orientation to the Social Resilience Model (SRM)

Last Thursday, I attended a presentation by Laurie Leitch, Ph.D who, together with retired Army Brigadier General Loree Sutton co-founded Threshold Globalworks, an organization that states as its mission bringing cutting-edge initiatives, informed by neuroscience, that amplify social resilience and human potential. The organization delivered services in different parts of the world to train local individuals to help their peers and communities in the aftermath of natural and man-made disasters.

The presentation was an introduction to a model of intervention with individuals, groups and communities which teaches skills that promote wellness and restore resilient functioning. The model is based on insights from neuro-affective science and the neurobiology of the stress response, and its particular skills are derived from Somatic Experience and from Mindfulness practices, borrowing from the work of Peter Levine, Eugine Gendlin and others. The main focus of the training is on improving self-regulations skills, as it is in this “window” of optimal level of physiological regulation that we are capable of rational thinking, collaboration and relationships.

Dr. Leitch described some of the uses of the model, which can be taught to lay persons as well as to professionals, in diverse cultural settings. The model can be brought to various settings such as the work place, to improve competency in self-regulations skills throughout the entire system.

To read more about the mission and activities of Threshold Globalworks go to .

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Irit Felsen

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