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20th Anniversary Gala Luncheon, celebrating The NGO Committee on Mental Health, The United Nations, Oct. 21/16

On Friday, October 21 I will attend the 20th Anniversary Gala of the NGO Committee on Mental Health, in Consultative Status to the United Nations. The NGO (, of which I am a member, was established in 1996.


The primary mission of the Committee is the promotion of psycho-social well-being, the improvement of mental health care services, and advocacy and education in the prevention and treatment of mental illness. The Committee works with the United Nations, and its specialized agencies, to ensure the inclusion of mental health issues within a broader context of concerns such as vulnerable populations, human rights, poverty, violence, the environment, peace and well-being.

The keynote speaker on Friday will be Eric Kandel, MD, 2000 winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine, Professor of Neuroscience at Columbia University, NYC.

         Irit Felsen


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