On Wednesday January 31, I will be joining the Board of the Holocaust Council of MetroWest and its members in attending the Holocaust Memorial Ceremony, in honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day at the United Nations in NYC. The ceremony will take place from 11 am – 1 pm in the General Assembly Hall of the UN Headquarters in NYC.
We, the children and descendants of survivors of the Holocaust, remember on this day the destruction of the world of our parents and grandparents, and honor our parents’ strength and faith in life, and the continued existence of their families and of the Jewish People. The Holocaust Council of Metrowest works to increase awareness among educators and the general public to the memory of the Holocaust, and to the lessons to be learned from it about bigotry, discrimination, and personal and civic responsibility.
For more information about the United Nations Department of Public Information
2018 Holocaust Remembrance Calendar of Events, including how to register to attend, follow this link.
Irit Felsen
than you. i signed up