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Presentation at the Annual Gathering of the Speakers Bureau, Museum of Jewish Heritage in NYC

Presentation Date: 11/25/19
Location: Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, Edmond J. Safra Plaza, 36 Battery Place, NY, NY 10280

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On Monday 11/25/19 I will have the honor and pleasure of again meeting with the members of the Speakers Bureau at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in Battery Park.

It has been a great privilege to have the opportunity to get to know the special people who volunteer their time and energy in service of the Speakers Bureau, speaking to schools and other audiences in an attempt to educate the public about the Holocaust and about the universal lessons to be learned from it about the perils of discrimination and hate of the “Other”. There has never been a time since the end of WWII when this work has been more relevant, as anti-Semitism and many other forms of hate crimes against minorities have increased dramatically in the USA and in NYC, and indeed around the world.

The topic of my presentation this year will focus on: “The Third Generation: Intergenerational transmission through three generations in Holocaust survivor families

Irit Felsen


  1. Hannah Sherak says

    Is this presentation open to the public? I am second generation, and have two sons, and am very interested.

    • Irit Felsen, Ph.D. says

      Hi Hannah,
      Thanks for the inquiry. This particular presentation is not open to the public, but is just for the members of the Speakers Bureau at the museum. However, I regularly present in different forums, many of which are open to the public. I announce such events on this blog, so if you follow the blog you will get notified of future events.
      Irit Felsen

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